Dr. Claire Schwartz in conversation with Dr. Samantha Pious
JSP Meltzer Internship event

Claire Schwartz is the author of the poetry collection Civil Service (Graywolf Press, 2022). Her writing has the appeared in The Believer, Grant, The Nation, The New Yorker online, Poetry Magazine, Virginia Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. With Kaveh Akbar and Sarah Kay, she wrote a column for the Paris Review Called „Poetry RX.“ The recipient of a 2022 Whiting Award for Poetry and a Pushcart Prize, Claire received her PhD in African American Studies, American Studies, and Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies from Yale. She is the culture editor of Jewish Currents.
Samantha Pious is a poet, translator, editor, and medievalist with a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
This is a JSP Meltzer Intern event, organized by undergraduate student, David Katz, C'25.