
Mourning a Lost Future: Miryeml, a Yiddish Drama of Children in Wartime

Sonia Gollance
Dec 3, 2024 at - | Cherpack Lounge, 543 Williams Hall

Sonia Glance flyer

Sonia Gollance is a scholar of Yiddish Studies and German-Jewish literature whose work focuses on dance, theatre, and gender. Her first book, It Could Lead to Dancing: Mixed-Sex Dancing and Jewish Modernity, was published by Stanford University Press in May 2021. A National Jewish Book Awards finalist and winner of a Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title, this book was released in paperback in October 2023.

In 2021, she joined the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London as Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Yiddish and was promoted to Associate Professor of Yiddish Studies in 2024. Previously she taught at the University of ViennaThe Ohio State University, and the University of Göttingen (Germany). She received her Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literatures from the University of Pennsylvania. 

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