
Lecture: “The Lady Vanishes: The Gradual Disappearance of the Sacred Female from the Hebrew Bible”

Apr 23, 2013 at - | G17 Claudia Cohen Hall, 249 South 36th Street

Mark Leuchter, Assistant Professor and Director of Jewish Studies, Temple University

Ancient Israelite religion reserved a special place for women and female fertility/sexuality in its mythology, evidenced by the prominent role of a literary type -- the Sacred Female -- in many early biblical traditions. Yet the prominence of the Sacred Female diminishes significantly in texts datable to later periods. Upon a closer examination, we can identify the reasons for why, over time, the Sacred Female seems to disappear from major streams of religious thought in ancient Israel...but also how some texts preserve traces of her survival as ancient Israelite religion began to evolve into early Judaism.

Sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program Bassini Internship Program (organized by Laura Doherty and Bryan Hoang)