
Ibn Kammuna on philosophical Abrahamic monotheism: 
A Graduate Seminar

Sep 2, 2015 at - | 543 Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th Street

Professor Tzvi Langermann, Department of Arabic, Bar Ilan University

Sa'd ibn Mansur 
(Izz Al-dawla) Ibn Kammuna was a 13th Century Jewish physician (ophthalmologist), philosopher and critic of Islam who lived in Baghdad.

Sponsored by Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations Department and the Jewish Studies Program.

Please email jsp-info@sas.upenn.edu for the texts. They come from the treatise entitled "Kalimat al-wajiza.”  For background on that tract and on Ibn Kammuna, students (and others) can refer to TL's entry on Ibn Kammuna in SEP:
