
The Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations and the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania will host a symposium in honor of Dan Ben-Amos. Leading scholars of Folklore Studies will discuss Dan's contributions to the field and the impact of his collaborations on their own careers and scholarship. Penn colleagues and students will share memories about his teaching, mentorship, and friendship.
A Symposium on Folklore in Honor of Dan Ben-Amos
Sunday, November 19, 2023
10:30 AM - Welcome: Stephen Tinney, Deputy Director, PENN Museum and Batsheva Ben-Amos
11:00 AM - A Video Interview with Dan Ben-Amos by Amy Shuman
11:30 AM - Keynote Speaker: Wolfgang Meider “A Good Friend is a Treasure” Exchanging Folklore Scholarship
12:15 AM - Q & A Session
12:45 PM - Lunch
2:00 PM - Speaker Roundtable: Simon Bronner and Juwen Zhang on History, Methodology and Experience in Folklore
3:00 PM - Poetry Readings (translated from Hebrew by Dan Ben-Amos) by Kathryn Hellerstein
3:15 PM - Comments by Students and Colleagues
4:00 PM - Closing Remarks
This event is hosted by the friends of Prof. Dan Ben-Amos.
For questions and to RSVP, please email lmgreene@sas.upenn.edu or call 215-898-7467.
If you are attending in person, please RSVP by November 10.
For those who cannot attend in person, the symposium will be available online. The Zoom webinar link is: https://upenn.zoom.us/j/96257129079