Michael Carasik teaches a 4-semester sequence of Biblical Hebrew at the University of Pennsylvania. He also teaches at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and has taught in the past at Boston's Hebrew College, Northeastern University, the University of Delaware, and Gratz College. A native Chicagoan, he earned his bachelor's degree from New College in Sarasota, Florida; his Master's in Jewish Studies from Spertus College of Judaica in Chicago; and his Ph.D. in Bible and the Ancient Near East from Brandeis University. He is the author of many scholarly articles and reviews, and of two books: Theologies of the Mind in Biblical Israel (Peter Lang) and The Bible's Many Voices (JPS/Nebraska). He's also the creator of the "Commentator's Bible" series, covering Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers; Deuteronomy is forthcoming and Genesis is planned to follow. Michael produces a weekly podcast, “Torah Talk,” available at https://mcarasik.wordpress.com/ and in the iTunes store. He is the weekday Torah reader at historic congregation Kesher Israel in Center City Philadelphia.
- HEBR 151: Elementary Biblical Hebrew I
- HEBR 153: Intermediate Biblical Hebrew I
- NELC 156: Great Books of Judaism