
Translating Women Yiddish Poets

A conversation with Professor Kathryn Hellerstein
Kathryn Hellerstein
Feb 19, 2025 at - | Kelly Writers House

KATHRYN HELLERSTEIN is Professor of Yiddish and past Director of the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Her books of translations are: In New York: A Selection (Moyshe Leyb Halpern) and Paper Bridges: Selected Poems of Kadya Molodowsky. Her monograph, A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 won the 2014 National Jewish Book Award in Women's Studies and the 2015 Modern Language Association Fenia and Yaacov Leviant Memorial Prize in Yiddish Studies. She co-edited Jewish American Literature: A Norton Anthology and edited the selected essays of Irene Eber, Jews in China: Cultural Conversations, Changing Perceptions. Her co-edited volume, China and Ashkenazic Jewry: Transcultural Encounters, was published by De Gruyter in 2022. Hellerstein's current projects include Women Yiddish Poets: Anthology, which she translated and edited; China through Yiddish Eyes: Cultural Translation in the Twentieth Century; The Rosewaters and the Colmans: Jewish Identity in Two Cleveland Jewish Families (1840-1915); and Jewish Women Poets as Translators: Changing Liturgy and Canon.

Sponsored by the Kelly Writers House and hosted by Prof. Al Filreis.