Past Events


"Who owns Judaica Cultural Heritage?"

Arthur Kiron, Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections and Adjunct Assistant Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania
Jan 20, 2023 at -

This talk is meant to spur discussion about the way in which digital technologies may help mediate between the competing claims of private property ownership rights and public interest in material cultural heritage.…


A Play Written and Performed by Ibrahim Miari
Dec 8, 2022 at -


Anti-Semitism in Black and White

Why hatred of Jews crosses racial boundaries
Dec 7, 2022 at -


Ella Darivoff Director, Herbert D Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies: Abraham M. Ellis Professor of Hebrew and Semitic Languages and…

Defending Dreyfus: The First Modern Fight Against Antisemitism

Inaugural Lorraine Beitler Research Fellow Lecture
Nov 30, 2022 at -

Professor Lauren Lockshin (Lander College for Women, Touro University) will trace how a small group of allies coalesced to combat antisemitism in defence of accused military officer Alfred Dreyfus.

A.B. Yehoshua Memorial

Nov 16, 2022 at -

  • Screening and presentation of the new documentary…

Jews in Ukraine: Past and Present

A Panel Discussion with
Amelia Glaser, Elissa Bemporad, Jeffrey Veidlinger
Nov 7, 2022 at -

This is the 37th Annual Joseph Alexander Colloquium in the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Joseph Alexander Foundation and the Mackler Family.

This event…

Reading by Novelist Moriel Rothman-Zecher

Moriel Rothman-Zecher
Oct 27, 2022 at -

Reading from his new novel Before All the World
Hosted by Huda Fahkreddine
Co-sponsored by the Kutchin Seminar Series in the Jewish Studies Program, the Middle East Center…

An Incomplete Liberalism? Reading Brandeis after Charlottesville

26th Annual Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Lecture in Judaic Studies
James Loeffler (University of Virginia)
Oct 27, 2022 at -

Today Justice Louis Brandeis is regarded as an icon of American liberalism. Yet even as he transformed American law and democracy in his time, the lawyer known as the “Jewish Thomas Jefferson” resisted fully applying…

"My Great (and Short) Great-Grandfather Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and the Revival of the Hebrew Language"

Gil Hovav
Oct 25, 2022 at -

Please join us for an exciting public lecture about the revival of Modern Hebrew. The speaker is Gil Hovav, great-grandson of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Ben-Yehuda was the driving force behind the incredible rebirth of a "…

“Jewish Art in the Muslim Realm: The Efflorescence of Ketubah Illustration in Iran and Afghanistan" with Shalom Sabar”

Sep 20, 2022 at

In this lecture, Shalom Sabar examines the historical contexts, decorative elements, and family relationships of representative examples of Middle Eastern Jewish marriage contracts from the Benjamin Zucker Family…